Shadowrun Origins: Episode 63: Dragon Hunt 9

Opti, Jazz, JR, Guard-a-Manger, Pixie Fire, and T have a lead on who they might talk to about getting to the bottom of the missing past of their draconic mr. Johnson. Yes, yes, they’ve heard the saying, never deal with a dragon, but they worked through the angst of that in part 1 of this run. Now, they stand outside of a safehouse, with some barely believable cover of being there to deliver a pizza! Slaughter in the safehouse starts now!

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Shadowrun Origins: Episode 62: Dragon Hunt 8

Opti, Jazz, JR, Guard-a-Manger, Pixie Fire, and T now stand outside the cobalt Marie, out of clues, but warned away from their job by the elf ganger Blackwing who threatened to blow up their van. But now, they’ve found a woman they recognize, and are going to see how they can help her…
Shadowrun Origins is available in iTunes, or any other podcast app you may have… Click below to listen to Shadowrun Origins, head to your favorite pod-catching device, or go to future Ares Subsidiary iTunes and Subscribe!