Episode 15: 2035 and ‘36. Conflicts in the NAN. The Landscape of North America continues to shift, as nations break up with each other and sour feelings abound. Also, a peep from a little cat shaman regarding anarchy in the sixth world! Click below to listen to episode 15 or go to future Ares Subsidiary iTunes and Subscribe!
Shadowland and Jackpoint uploads for sources and further reading:
Aztlan Sourcebook
California Free State
Native American Nations, Vol. 1
Neo-Anarchists Guide to North America
Shadows in Focus: Cheyenne
Shadows of North America
Shadows in Focus: Sioux Nation
Shadowrun 20th Anniversary
Sixth World Almanac
Target: UCAS
Tir Tairngire: The Land of Promise
Some technomancer ate the last five minutes of Episode 15…
Yeah, chummer, not sure what happened there. I’ll be doubly vigilant against the damned techno-deckers! I’ll get my omae Deacon to look at my firewalls!