Shadowrun Origins: Episode 96: Elven Fire 4

Shadowrun Origins: Episode 96: Elven Fire 4

The team has been hired by Lone Star to prevent martial law in Seattle! Now they’ve extracted a certain nightclub employee who has some info the team needs. Let’s check it out!

Shadowrun Origins: Episode 1: Breakout

A brand new podcast for a bygone time. You’ve heard about the history of the Shadowrun universe from the Neo-Anarchist Podcast, now hear about the runs, adventures, and missions that formed it. Follow along with young Opti, Guard-A-Manger, JR, Jazz, and Pixie Fire as they get into trouble only pink mohawk runners can get into in the 2050s. In this episode, the characters get together and try to break out two of their own from a Lone Star lockup!

Shadowrun Origins is now available in iTunes, or any other podcast app you may have…
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